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P. 64
39 The Family of Imran 3:37
yourselves against them in this hears all and knows all.
way. a God admonishes you to 35 Remember when the wife of
fear Him: for, to God shall all Imran said, My Lord, I have
return. 29 Say, God knows dedicated what is in my womb
everything that is in your heart, entirely to Your service. So
whether you conceal it or reveal accept this from me. You are the
it; He knows everything that the One who hears and knows all.
heavens and earth contain; God 36 When she gave birth, she said,
has power over all things. On My Lord, I have given birth to
the Day when every human being a girlGod knew very well
will find himself faced with all what she had given birth to: a
the good that he has done, and male is not like a femaleI
with all the evil that he has done, have named her Mary and placed
many will wish that there were a her and her children in Your
long space of time between protection from the rejected
himself and that [Day]. God Satan. 37 Her Lord graciously
admonishes you to fear Him, but accepted her and made her grow
God is compassionate towards in goodness and entrusted her to
His servants. Say, If you love the care of Zachariah. Every
God, follow me and God will time Zachariah visited her in her
love you and forgive you your chamber he found some
sins. God is most forgiving, and provision with her. He asked,
most merciful. 32 Say, Obey Mary, where did this provision
God and the Messenger, and if come from? She replied,
they turn away, God does not
love those who deny the truth.
33 God chose Adam and Noah a A believer treats all human beings
with justice and fairness, without
and the family of Abraham and differentiating between Muslims and
the family of Imran above all non-Muslims. But friendship with non-
His creatures. 34 They are the Muslims who are at war with Islam is
offspring of one another. God not lawful.