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37                The Family of ‘Imran          3:19
                                  God never fails to fulfill His attractive to people. All this is
                                  promise.’                  the provision of the worldly life;
                                      As for those who deny the but the most excellent abode is
                                  truth, their wealth and children with God.  Say, ‘Shall I tell you
                                  will not help them against God. of something better than all of
                                  They will be fuel for the Fire.  these? For the God-fearing, there
                                  11 Their end will be like Pharaoh’s  are Gardens in nearness to their
                                  people and those before them;  God with rivers flowing through
                                  they denied Our signs, so God  them where they shall live forever
                                  seized them in their sinfulness:  with pure spouses and the
                                  God is stern in punishment.  goodwill of God. God is
                                    Say to those who deny the  watching His servants — those
                                  truth, ‘You shall be overcome  who say, “Lord, we believe in
                                  and driven into Hell—an evil  You, forgive us our sins and
                                  resting place!’  13  There was a
                                  sign for you in the two groups  keep us from the punishment of
                                  which met face to face [at Badr],  the Fire,”  those who are
                                  one party fighting for the cause  steadfast, truthful, obedient, and
                                  of God and the other made up of  those who spend [for God’s
                                  those who deny the truth. They  cause] and who pray before dawn
                                  [unbelievers] saw with their own  for forgiveness.’
                                  eyes that the others [believers]  God bears witness that there
                                  were twice their number: but God is no deity save Him, as do the
                                  strengthens with His succour angels and those who possess
                                  whom He wills. In this, there is knowledge. He is the upholder
                                  indeed a lesson for all who have of justice. There is no diety save
                                  eyes to see.               Him, the Mighty, the Wise One.
                                    14                       19
                                      The satisfaction of worldly  The only true religion in God’s
                                  desires through women, and sight is complete submission to
                                  children, and heaped-up treasures God. And those who were given
                                  of gold and silver, and pedigreed the Book disagreed only out of
                                  horses, and cattle and lands is rivalry, after knowledge had been
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