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3:1                   Al-‘Imran                   36
                                  Our Lord, do not place on mercy on us. You are our
                                  us a burden we have not Lord and Sustainer, so help
                                  the strength to bear! Pardon us; us against those who deny
                                  and forgive us; and have the truth.’
                                          3.  THE   FAMILY     OF   ‘IMRAN
                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
                                  1  Alif Lam Mim              7  It is He who has sent down
                                                             the Book to you. Some of its
                                    God! There is no deity save verses are clear and precise in
                                  Him, the Living, the Sustainer. meaning—they are the basis of
                                  3  He has sent down the Book to the Book—while others are
                                  you with truth, which fulfils [the allegorical. Those with deviation
                                  predictions] in the Scriptures that in their hearts pursue the
                                  preceded it: He sent down the allegorical, so as to create
                                  Torah and the Gospel  4  in the dissension by seeking to explain
                                  past as guidance for mankind; it: but no one knows its meaning
                                  He has [also] sent down the except God. Those who are
                                  Standard by which to discern the firmly grounded in knowledge
                                  true from the false. Surely those say, ‘We believe in it: it is all
                                  who deny God’s signs will suffer from our Lord.’ But only the
                                  severe punishment. God is wise take heed.  ‘Our Lord, do
                                  mighty   and  capable  of not let our hearts deviate after
                                  retribution.  Nothing on earth or You have guided us. Bestow
                                  in the heavens is hidden from upon us Your mercy. Surely You
                                  God:  it is He who shapes you in are a Munificent Giver.  9  Our
                                  the womb as He will. There is no Lord, You will surely gather all
                                  deity save Him, the Mighty, the mankind on the Day of
                                  Wise One.                  whose coming there is no doubt.
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