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P. 56
31 The Heifer 2:259
heavens and whatsoever is on bestowed the kingdom upon
the earth. Who can intercede him? Abraham said, My Lord is
with Him except by His the one who gives life and brings
permission? He knows all that is death. He answered, I [too]
before them and all that is behind give life and bring death!
them. They can grasp only that Abraham said, God brings up
part of His knowledge which He the sun from the east, so bring it
wills. His throne extends over up yourself from the west. Then
the heavens and the earth; and the disbeliever was confounded.
their upholding does not weary God does not guide the
Him. He is the Sublime, the wrongdoers.
Almighty One! 256 There shall 259 Or of him who, when
be no compulsion in religion: passing by a town the roofs of
true guidance has become distinct which had caved in, exclaimed,
from error. But whoever refuses How will God restore it to life
to be led by Satan and believes in after its destruction? Thereupon
God has grasped the strong God caused him to die, and after
handhold that will never break. a hundred years, brought him
God is all hearing and all back to life. God asked, How
knowing. 257 God is the patron long have you remained in this
of the faithful. He leads them state? He answered, I have
from darkness to the light. As for remained a day or part of a day.
those who deny the truth, their God said, No, you have
supporter is Satan, who brings remained in this state for a
them out of light into darkness. hundred years. Now look at your
They are the heirs of the Fire, food and your drink; they have
and there they will remain not rotted. Look at your ass. We
forever. will make you a sign to mankind.
Have you not heard of him Look at the boneshow We set
who argued with Abraham about them together, then clothe them
his Lord because God had with flesh! When it had all