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2:260                 Al-Baqarah                  32
                                  become clear to him, he said, hurtful words: God is self-
                                  ‘Now I know that God has power sufficient and forbearing.
                                  over all things.’  260  When  264  Believers, do not cancel out
                                  Abraham said, ‘Show me, my your charitable deeds with
                                  Lord, how You revive the dead!’ reminders and hurtful words, like
                                  God said, ‘Do you not believe?’ one who spends his wealth only
                                  Abraham answered, ‘Yes, indeed to be seen by people, and not
                                  I do believe, but just to reassure believing in God and the Last
                                  my heart.’ Then God said, ‘Take Day. Such men are like a rock
                                  four birds, and train them to covered with earth: a shower
                                  come back to you. Then place falls upon it and leaves it hard
                                  them separately on each hilltop, and bare. They will gain nothing
                                  and call them: they will come from their works. God does not
                                  flying to you. Know that God is guide those who deny the truth.
                                  almighty and wise.’          265  But those who spend their
                                    261  Those who spend their wealth in order to gain God’s
                                  wealth for God’s cause may be approval, and to strengthen their
                                  compared to a grain of corn souls are like a garden on
                                  which sprouts into seven ears, elevated ground. When heavy
                                  with a hundred grains in each rain falls on it, it doubles its
                                  ear: for God grants manifold produce; and if heavy rain does
                                  increase to whom He wills; God not fall, then light rain suffices.
                                  is infinite and all knowing. God sees what you do.  266  Would
                                  262 Those who spend their wealth any of you, being a man well
                                  for God’s cause and do not follow advanced in age with helpless
                                  their almsgiving with taunts and children to support, like to have
                                  insults shall be rewarded by their a garden of dates and grapes,
                                  Lord; they shall have no fear, nor watered by rivers and containing
                                  shall they grieve.  263  A kind word all kinds of fruits, stricken by a
                                  and forgiveness is better than a fiery whirlwind and utterly
                                  charitable deed followed by scorched? Thus God makes His
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