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2:236                 Al-Baqarah                  28
                                  that you will bear them in mind. nearer to righteousness. Do not
                                  But do not enter into any secret neglect any chance of behaving
                                  arrangement with them, beyond benevolently towards each other.
                                  conveying some indication to God is observant of whatever
                                  them of your inclination. Do not you do.
                                  proceed with tying the marriage-  238  Be ever mindful of prayers,
                                  knot before the end of their especially the middle prayer; and
                                  waiting period. Know that God stand up before God in
                                  has knowledge of all your submissive devotion.  239  When
                                  thoughts. Therefore, take heed you are exposed to danger, pray
                                  and bear in mind that God is on foot or while riding; when
                                  forgiving and forbearing.  236 You you are safe again, remember
                                  will not be blamed [for not paying God, for He has taught you what
                                  the dower money] if you divorce you did not know.  240  If any of
                                  women when you have not yet you die and leave widows, make
                                  consummated the marriage or a bequest for them of a year’s
                                  fixed a dower money upon them, maintenance without causing
                                  but make fair provision for them, them to leave their homes; but if
                                  the affluent according to his they leave of their own accord,
                                  means and the straitened you will not be blamed for what
                                  according to his means; this is they may reasonably choose to
                                  binding on righteous men.  237 If do with themselves. God is
                                  you divorce them before the almighty and wise.  241  For
                                  marriage is consummated, but divorced women a provision
                                  after their dower money has been according to what is fair shall
                                  settled, give them the half of also be made. This is an
                                  their dower money, unless they obligation binding on the
                                  [the women] agree to forego it, righteous.  242  Thus God makes
                                  or the man [the husband] in His commandments clear to you,
                                  whose hand lies the marriage so that you may understand.
                                  knot foregoes it. To forego is  243  Have you not seen those
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