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33 The Heifer 2:275
signs clear to you, so that you deeds. God is aware of all that
may reflect. you do. 272 It is not your
267 Believers, give charitably responsibility to make them
from the good things which you follow the right path; God guides
have earned and what We whomever He pleases. Whatever
produce for you from the earth; wealth you spend is to your own
not worthless things which you benefit, provided that you spend
yourselves would only only to seek the favour of God.
reluctantly accept. Know that Whatever wealth you spend [for
God is self-sufficient and Gods cause] shall be repaid to
praiseworthy. 268 Satan threatens you in full and you shall not be
you with the prospect of poverty wronged. 273 The needy, who are
and commands you to do foul too engrossed in Gods cause to
deeds. But God promises His be able to travel about the land in
forgiveness and His bounty. God search of a livelihood, are
is bountiful and all knowing. considered by those who are
He grants wisdom to whom unaware of their condition to be
He will; and whoever is granted free from want, because they
wisdom has indeed been granted refrain from begging. But they
abundant wealth. Yet none bear can be known from their
this in mind except those appearance. They do not make
endowed with understanding. insistent demands upon people.
270 Whatever you spend and Whatever wealth you spend, God
whatever vows you make are knows it. 274 Those who spend
known to God, but the their wealth night and day, both
wrongdoers shall have no privately and publicly, will
helpers. 271 If you give charity receive their reward from their
openly, it is good, but if you keep Lord. They shall have no fear,
it secret and give to the needy in nor shall they grieve.
private, that is better for you, and 275 Those who live on
it will atone for some of your bad usury shall rise up before God