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29 The Heifer 2:249
who fled their homes in their God knows the wrongdoers.
thousands for fear of death, 247 Their prophet said to them,
whereupon God said to them, God has now appointed Talut to
Die! and later brought them be your king. But they replied,
back to life? Surely God is How can he be king over us
bountiful to mankind, but most when we are worthier of kingship
of them are ungrateful. 244 Fight than he and he has not even been
[in defence] in Gods cause and granted an abundance of wealth?
remember that He is all hearing He said, God has chosen him
and all knowing. 245 Who will over you, and has given him
give God a generous loan? He great knowledge and physique.
will multiply it many times over. God grants kingship to whoever
It is God who withholds, and He pleases: God is magnanimous
God who gives abundantly, and and all knowing. 248 Their
it is to Him that you shall all be prophet also said to them, The
returned. sign of his kingship is that the
Have you not heard of what Ark [of the Covenant] shall come
the chiefs of the Children of to you. Therein shall be
Israel demanded of one of their tranquillity from your Lord, and
prophets after Moses? They said, the relics which the House of
Appoint for us a king, and we Moses and the House of Aaron
will fight for the cause of God. left behind. It will be borne by
He replied, What if you refuse the angels. There is a sign in this
to fight, when ordered to do so? for you, if you believe.
Why should we not fight for the 249 When Talut set out with his
cause of God, they replied, forces, he said to them, God
when we have been driven forth will test you with a river: whoever
from our homes and our drinks from it is not with me and
children? But when at last they whoever does not drink is with
were commanded to fight, they me. There will, however, be no
all refused, except a few of them. blame upon one who sips only a