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25 The Heifer 2:224
about intoxicants and gambling. God, till they have believed; a
Say, There is great sin in both, believing bondman is certainly
although they have some benefit better than a man who associates
for people: but their harm is partners with God, even though
greater than their benefit. They he may please you. Such people
ask you what they should spend call you to Hell-fire; but God
[in Gods cause]. Say, Whatever calls you to Paradise and to
is surplus to your needs. Thus forgiveness. He makes His
God makes His commandments messages clear to people, so that
clear to you so that you may they might bear them in
reflect 220 upon this world and mind. They ask you about
menstruation. Say, It is an
the Hereafter. They ask you about
impurity, so keep away from
orphans. Say, Promotion of their
welfare is an act of great women during it and do not
approach them until they are
goodness. There is no harm in
your living together with them, cleansed; when they are cleansed
for they are your brothers. God you may approach them as God
has ordained. God loves those
knows the mischief-maker from who turn to Him in penitence and
the reformer. If God had so He loves those who keep
willed, He would have afflicted themselves clean. 223 Your wives
you with hardship. Surely, God
are your fields. Go, then, into
is mighty and wise. your fields as you will. Send
221 Do not marry women who
associate partners with God until ahead [some good] for yourselves,
and fear God, and know that you
they believe. A believing shall meet Him. Give good
bondwoman is better than a tidings to the believers.
woman who associates partners 224 Do not make God a pretext,
with God, however pleasing she when you swear by Him, to
may appear to you. Nor give avoid doing good, being
believing women in marriage to righteous and making peace
men who associate partners with between people. God is all