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P. 45
2:183 Al-Baqarah 20
183 Believers, fasting has been and so that you may be grateful
prescribed for you, just as it was to Him.
prescribed for those before you, 186 When My servants ask you
so that you may guard yourselves about Me, say that I am near. I
against evil. 184 Fast for a respond to the call of one who
specified number of days, but if calls, whenever he calls to Me:
any one among you is ill or on a let them, then, respond to Me,
journey, let him fast the same and believe in Me, so that they
number of days later. For those may be rightly guided. 187 It has
who can fast only with extreme been made lawful for you to go
difficulty, there is a way to to your wives on the night of the
compensatethe feeding of a fast: they are like a garment for
needy person. But he who does you, and you are like a garment
good of his own accord shall be for them. God is aware that you
well rewarded; but to fast is were deceiving yourselves and
better for you, if you only knew. He has turned in mercy towards
The month of Ramadan is the you and pardoned you. So you
month when the Quran was sent may now consort with them and
down as guidance for mankind seek what God has ordained for
with clear proofs of guidance you. Eat and drink until the
and the criterion by which to white thread of dawn becomes
distinguish right from wrong. distinct from the black. Then
Therefore, whoever of you is resume the fast until nightfall,
present in that month, let him and do not approach them during
fast; but he who is ill or on a the nights of your devotional
journey shall fast a similar retreat in the mosques. These are
number of days later on. God the limits set by God, so do not
desires ease for you, not hardship. approach them. Thus He makes
He desires you to fast the whole clear His commandments to
month, so that you may glorify mankind, so that they may guard
Him for His having guided you themselves [against evil]. 188 Do