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2:276                 Al-Baqarah                  34
                                  like men whom Satan has not wrong [others] and you will
                                  demented by his touch; for they not be wronged.  280 If the debtor
                                  say, ‘Buying and selling is only is in straitened circumstances,
                                  a kind of usury.’  But God has then grant him respite till a time
                                  made trade lawful and made of ease. If you were to write it off
                                  usury unlawful. Therefore, he as an act of charity, that would
                                  who desists because of the be better for you, if only you
                                  admonition that has come to him knew.  281 Fear the Day when you
                                  from his Lord may retain what shall be made to return to God;
                                  he has received in the past; and then every soul shall be paid in
                                  it will be for God to judge him. full what it has earned; and they
                                  Those who revert to it shall be shall not be wronged.
                                  the inmates of the Fire; they  282  Believers,  when  you
                                  shall abide therein forever. contract a debt for a stated term,
                                  276 God blights usury and blesses put it down in writing; have a
                                  charitable deeds. God does not scribe write it down with fairness
                                  love the ungrateful wrongdoer. between you. No scribe should
                                     Those who believe, do good refuse to write: let him write as
                                  deeds, attend to their prayers God has taught him, let the debtor
                                  and engage in almsgiving, shall dictate, and let him fear God, his
                                  be rewarded by their Lord and Lord, and not diminish [the debt]
                                  shall have no fear, nor shall they at all. If the debtor is weak in
                                  grieve.                    mind or body, or unable to
                                    278  Believers, have fear of God, dictate, then in fairness let his
                                  and give up what is still due to guardian dictate for him. Call in
                                  you from usury, if you are true two of your men as witnesses.
                                  believers.  279  For, if you do not But if two men cannot be found,
                                  do so, then know that you are at then call one man and two women
                                  war   with  God  and  His out of those you approve of as
                                  Messenger. But if you repent, witnesses, so that if one of the
                                  you may retain your capital. Do two women should forget the
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