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P. 65
3:38 Al-Imran 40
This is from God. God provides you over all the women of the
for whoever He wills world. O Mary! Remain truly
without measure. Thereupon devout to your Sustainer, and
Zachariah prayed to his Lord, prostrate yourself in worship,
saying, Lord, grant me by Your and bow down with those who
own grace virtuous offspring. bow down [before Him]. This
You are the hearer of all prayers. is an account of the unseen,
As he stood praying in the which We reveal to you. You
chamber, the angels called out to were not with them when they
him, saying, God gives you the drew lots as to which of them
good news of John, who shall should be Marys guardian and
confirm the Word from God, and you were not with them when
[shall be] outstanding among they disputed with one another.
men, and utterly chaste, and a 45 When the angels said, O
prophet from among the Mary, your Lord gives you good
righteous. 40 Lord, said news of a Word from Him. His
Zachariah, how shall I have a name is the Messiah, Jesus, son
son when I am now overtaken by of Mary, honoured in this world
old age and my wife is barren? and in the next and one of those
Such is the will of God, replied who are granted nearness to God.
[the angel], He does what He 46 And he shall speak to men in
pleases. 41 He said, My Lord, his cradle, and as a grown man,
grant me a sign. [The angel] and shall be one of the righteous.
said, Your sign is that you will 47 Lord, she said, how can I
not be able to speak to people for have a child when no man has
three days except by signs. touched me? [The angel] replied,
Remember your Lord much and Thus it is: God creates what He
glorify Him morning and wills: when He wills a thing He
evening. 42 The angels said, need only say, Be, and it is.
Mary, God has selected you and 48 God will instruct him in the
purified you. He has selected Book and in wisdom and in the