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P. 66
41 The Family of Imran 3:60
Torah and in the Gospel. 49 He believe in what You have sent
will make him a messenger to down and we follow the
the Children of Israel. He will messenger, so count us among
say: I have come to you with a those who bear witness. And
sign from your Lord. I will make they schemed but God also
the shape of a bird out of clay for schemed and God is the Best of
you and then breathe into it and, Schemers. God said, O Jesus,
by Gods leave, it will become a I shall take you to Me and will
living bird. And by Gods leave raise you up to Me and shall
I will heal the blind and the leper clear you [of the calumnies] of
and bring the dead to life. I will the disbelievers, and shall place
tell you what you eat and what those who follow you above
you store up in your homes. those who deny the truth, until
Surely in this there is a sign for the Day of Judgement; then to
you, if you are believers. 50 I Me shall all return and I will
come to fulfill [the prediction] judge between you regarding
of the Torah which preceded me your disputes. Those who deny
and to make lawful for you some the truth shall be sternly punished
of what was forbidden to you in this world and in the world to
and I come to you with a sign come: there shall be none to help
from your Lord. So fear God and them. As for those who have
obey me. God is my Lord and believed and do good works,
your Lord, so worship Him. That they shall be given their reward
is the straight path. in full. God does not love evil-
52 When Jesus perceived their doers. This which We recite to
denial, he said, Who will be my you is a revelation and a wise
helpers in Gods cause? The reminder.
disciples said, We are Gods 59 Jesus in the sight of God is
helpers, we believe in God. Bear like Adam. He created him from
witness that we have surrendered dust; then said to him, Be! and
ourselves. 53 Our Lord, we he was. This is the truth from