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45                The Family of ‘Imran         3:101
                                  the truth, their repentance will It is a blessed place; a source of
                                  not be accepted. They are the guidance for the whole world.
                                  ones who have gone far astray.  97  There are clear signs in it; it is
                                  91  Those who reject faith and die the place where Abraham stood.
                                  in the state of rejection will not Anyone who enters it will be
                                  be saved, even if they offer as secure. Pilgrimage to the House
                                  ransom enough gold to fill the is a duty to God for anyone
                                  entire earth. Painful punishment who is able to undertake
                                  is in store for them and they will it. Anyone who disbelieves
                                  have no supporters.        should remember that God is
                                    92  Never will you attain to independent of all creatures.
                                  righteousness unless you spend  98  Say, ‘People of the Book, why
                                  for the cause of God out of what do you reject God’s revelations
                                  you cherish; and whatever you when God is witness to all that
                                  spend is known to God.  93  All you do?’  99  Say, ‘People of the
                                  food was lawful for the Children Book, why do you turn the
                                  of Israel, except whatever Israel believers away from the path of
                                  had made unlawful for himself God, seeking to make it crooked,
                                  before the Torah was sent down. while you are witnesses thereof?
                                  Say to them, ‘Bring the Torah God is not unaware of what you
                                  then and read it, if you are do.’
                                  truthful.  Those who, after this,  100  O believers, if you yield to
                                  persist in making up lies and some of those who were given
                                  attributing them to God are the Scripture, they will cause
                                  transgressors.’  95  Say, ‘God you to renounce the truth after
                                  speaks the Truth, so follow the you have believed.  101  But how
                                  faith of Abraham. He was an can you deny the truth when
                                  upright man and he was not one God’s revelations are being
                                  of the polytheists.’  96  The first conveyed to you and His own
                                  House to be built for mankind Messenger is in your midst? He
                                  was the one at Bakkah [Makkah]. who holds fast to God is indeed
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