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3:148                 Al-‘Imran                   50
                                  who deny the truth,’  148  and so He might put you to the test, He
                                  God gave them both the rewards prevented you from defeating
                                  of this life and the excellent your foes. But now He has
                                  recompense of the life to come: pardoned you: God is most
                                  God loves those who do good.  gracious to the believers.
                                    149  Believers, if you yield to  153  When you were running away
                                  those who deny the truth, they and did not look back at anyone,
                                  will cause you to turn back on while the Messenger was calling
                                  your heels and you will turn into to you from behind, He paid you
                                  losers.  150  No, indeed! it is God back with one sorrow after
                                  who is your protector: He is the another, so that you might not
                                  best supporter.  151  We will strike grieve for what you lost, nor for
                                  awe into the hearts of those who what befell you. God is aware of
                                  deny the truth, because they have what you do.
                                  associated partners with God,  154  Then, after sorrow He sent
                                  for which He has sent down no down peace [of mind] upon you
                                  authority. Their abode shall be in the shape of drowsiness that
                                  the Fire, and evil indeed is the overcame some of you, but there
                                  abode of the wrongdoers.  152 And were others who were anxious
                                  God made good His promise to only about themselves. They
                                  you when by His leave you were entertained false notions about
                                  about to destroy your foes, but God, like the notions of the days
                                  then your courage failed you and of ignorance. ‘Have we any say
                                  you disagreed among yourselves in the matter?’ they asked. Say to
                                  [concerning the Prophet’s them, ‘All is in the hands of
                                  direction] and disobeyed it, after God.’ They conceal in their hearts
                                  He had brought you within sight what they would not reveal to
                                  of what you wished for—some you. They say, ‘Had we had any
                                  of you desired the goods of this say in the matter, none of us
                                  world and some of you desired would have been killed here.’
                                  the Hereafter—then in order that Say to them, ‘Had you stayed in
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