Page 80 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 80

55                The Family of ‘Imran         3:200
                                  ponder over the creation of the persecution in My cause, who
                                  heavens and the earth, saying, fought and were killed. I will
                                  ‘Lord, You have not created all certainly admit them to Gardens
                                  this without purpose. Glory be to through which rivers flow, as a
                                  You! Save us from the torment reward from God: with God is
                                  of the Fire.  192  Lord, those whom the best reward.’  196 Do not be
                                  You condemn to enter the Fire deceived by the actions of those
                                  You have surely brought to who deny the truth in the land:
                                  disgrace. Wrongdoers will have  197  this is only a brief enjoyment,
                                  no supporters.  193  Lord, we have after which Hell shall be their
                                  heard a caller calling to the true abode—what an evil resting
                                  faith saying, “Believe in your place!  198  Those who fear their
                                  Lord,” and we believed. Lord, Lord shall have gardens through
                                  forgive us our sins and remove which rivers flow, wherein they
                                  from us our bad deeds and make will abide forever: and a goodly
                                  us die with the virtuous.  194  Our welcome from their Lord. God’s
                                  Lord! Grant us what You have recompense is best for the
                                  promised to us through Your virtuous.  199  Some of the People
                                  messengers, and do not humiliate of the Book believe in God, and
                                  us on the Day of Resurrection. in what has been revealed to you
                                  Surely, You never fail to fulfill and what was revealed to them.
                                  Your promise.’             They humble themselves before
                                    195  Their Lord accepted their God and do not sell God’s
                                  prayer, saying, ‘I will deny no revelations for a trifling price.
                                  man or woman among you the These shall be rewarded by their
                                  reward of their labours. You are Lord: God is swift in reckoning!
                                  members one of another. I will  200  Believers, endure, vie with
                                  certainly forgive the sins of those each other in endurance, stand
                                  who emigrated and were expelled firm in your faith and fear God,
                                  from their homes, who suffered so that you may succeed.
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