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3:182                 Al-‘Imran                   54
                                  unjustly—and We shall say, hear many hurtful things from
                                  ‘Taste the torment of burning. those who were given the Book
                                  182 In return for what your own before you and from those who
                                  hands have wrought—for never set up partners with God, but if
                                  does God do the least wrong to you endure with fortitude
                                  His creatures!’  183  To those who and restrain yourselves, that
                                  say, ‘God has commanded us not indeed is a matter of strong
                                  to believe in any messenger determination.  187  God made a
                                  unless he brings down to us an covenant with those who were
                                  offering to be consumed by fire,’ given the Book to make it known
                                  say, ‘Messengers before me have to people and not conceal it. But
                                  come to you with clear signs, they cast it behind their backs
                                  including the one you demand. and bartered it for a paltry price:
                                  Why did you kill them, if you are what an evil bargain they made!
                                  telling the truth?’  184  If they deny  188  Those who exult in their
                                  you, so have other messengers misdeeds and love to be praised
                                  been denied before you, who for what they have not done
                                  came with clear signs, scriptures should not suppose that they are
                                  and enlightening book.  185  Every secure  from  punishment;
                                  human being is bound to taste they shall suffer a grievous
                                  death: and you shall receive your punishment.  189  The kingdom of
                                  rewards in full on the Day of the heavens and the earth belongs
                                  Resurrection. He who is kept to God; God has power over all
                                  away from the Fire and is things.
                                  admitted to Paradise, will surely  190  There are signs in the
                                  triumph; for the life of this world creation of the heavens and the
                                  is nothing but an illusory earth, and in the alternation of
                                  enjoyment.                 night and day for people of
                                    186                                 191
                                       You will surely be tried and understanding;  who remember
                                  tested in your possessions and God while standing, sitting and
                                  your persons, and you shall surely [lying] on their sides, and who
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