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P. 82
57 Women 4:12
before they come of age. If the 11 Concerning your children,
guardian is affluent, let him God enjoins you that a male
abstain altogether, and if he is shall receive a share equivalent
poor, let him have for himself to that of two females. But if
what is just and reasonable. there are more than two females,
When you hand over their then their share is two thirds of
property to them, call witnesses the inheritance. If there is only
in their presence; God is one, she will receive the half.
sufficient as a Reckoner. Men Each of your parents receives a
shall have a share in what parents sixth of what you leave if you
and relatives leave behind, and have children. If you are childless
women shall have a share in and your heirs are your parents,
what parents and relatives leave your mother receives a third. If
behind, whether it be little or you have brothers [or sisters] your
much. This is ordained [by God]. mother receives a sixth, after
If other relatives, orphans or [the deduction of] any bequest
needy people are present at the you make or the repayment of
time of the division, then provide any debts with regard to your
for them out of it, and speak father and your sons. You do not
kindly to them. Those who are know which of them is going to
concerned about the fate of their benefit you more: but this fixing
own helpless children if they of portions is by God and He is
should die and leave them behind all knowing and all wise. You
should show the same concern will inherit half of what your
for orphans. Let them fear God wives leave, provided they have
and uphold justice. Those who left no children. But if they leave
consume the property of orphans children then you inherit a quarter
unjustly are actually swallowing of what they leave, after payment
fire into their own bellies; soon of any bequests they may have
they will burn in the blazing made or any debts they may have
Flame. incurred. Your wives shall inherit