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53 The Family of Imran 3:181
great reward. 173 Those who, on only cause them to increase
being told that, the enemy has in disobedienceshameful
gathered against you a great punishment awaits them. 179 On
force, so fear them, only grew no account will God leave the
stronger in their faith and replied, believers in the condition in
God is sufficient for us. He is which they are now, until He
the best guardian. 174 They separates the evil from the good.
returned home with Gods favour Nor will God reveal to you the
and blessings, without having unseen. But God chooses those
been touched by evil; for they of his messengers whom He will.
pursued Gods pleasure. And Therefore, believe in God and
Gods bounty is infinite. 175 It is His messengers, for if you have
Satan who instills fear [into you] faith and guard yourselves
of his followers; do not fear against evil, you shall have a
them. But fear Me, if you are great reward.
true believers. 180 Let not those who are
And let not those grieve niggardly with what God has
you who vie with one another in granted them out of His bounty
denying the truth: they cannot think that it is good for them.
harm God in the least; it is Gods Indeed, it is evil for them. What
will that they will have no share they are niggardly about shall be
in the life to comea severe hung about their necks like a
punishment awaits them. collar on the Day of Resurrection.
177 Those who have bought a It is God who will inherit the
denial of truth at the price of heavens and the earth: God is
faith can in no way harm God; aware of all that you do. 181 God
painful punishment awaits them. has indeed heard the words of
Let not those who deny the those who said, Behold, God is
truth think that Our granting poor while we are rich! We shall
them respite is good for them: record what they have saidand
Our granting them respite will their slaying of the prophets