Page 81 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 81

                                              4.  WOMEN      (AL-NISA’)

                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

                                  1  O mankind! Fear your Lord, their dowers willingly, but if
                                  who created you from a single they, of their own accord, remit
                                  soul. He created its mate from it any part of it to you, you may
                                  and from the two of them spread make use of it with pleasure and
                                  countless men and women goodwill.
                                  [throughout the earth]. Fear God,  5  Do not give those who are of
                                  in whose name you appeal to one immature mind your property
                                  another, and be mindful of your which God has granted you as a
                                  obligations in respect of ties of means of support: make
                                  kinship. God is always watching provision for them out of it, and
                                  over you. a 2  Give the orphans the clothe them, and give them good
                                  possessions that belong to them, advice.  Keep a close check on
                                  do not exchange good things orphans till they attain the age of
                                  with bad and do not consume marriage; then, if you find them
                                  their property, adding it to your to be mature of mind, hand over
                                  own. Surely, this is a great crime. their property to them. Do not
                                    If you fear that you cannot deal consume it by wasteful spending,
                                  fairly with orphan girls, you may
                                  marry women of your choice,
                                  two or three or four; but if you  a  All human beings are one and the
                                  fear that you might not be able to  same by birth. Ultimately, everyone
                                  treat them with equal fairness,  can trace his origin to the same man
                                  then only one—or [from among]  and woman as father and mother. It is,
                                                             therefore, necessary that all human
                                  those whom you rightfully  beings should have a feeling of affinity
                                  possess. That is more likely to
                                                             with each other and live with fairness
                                  keep you from committing an  and goodwill like the members of one
                                  injustice.  And give the women  extended family.
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