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P. 85
4:26 Al-Nisa 60
permission, and give them their through transgression and
dower according to what is fair, injustice, We shall cast him into
neither committing fornication the Fire; and that is easy for God.
nor taking secret paramours. And 31 If you shun the great sins you
if, after they are married, they have been forbidden, We shall
commit adultery they shall have cancel out your minor misdeeds
half the punishment prescribed and admit you to a place of
for a free woman. This is for honour. 32 Do not covet the
those of you who fear lest he bounties which God has
should fall into sin. But that it is bestowed more abundantly on
better for you to practise self some of you than on others. Men
restraint. God is most forgiving shall be rewarded according to
and merciful. their deeds, and women shall be
26 God wishes to explain things rewarded according to their
to you and guide you to the ways deeds. You should rather ask
of those who have gone before God for His bounty. God has
you and to turn to you in mercy. knowledge of all things. 33 We
God is all knowing and all wise. have appointed heirs for
He wishes to turn towards you everything that parents and close
in mercy, but those who follow relatives leave behind. As for
their own passions want you to those with whom you have
drift far away from the right entered into agreements, let them,
path. 28 God wishes to lighten too, have their due. God is
your burdens, for, man has been witness to all things.
created weak. 34 Men are protectors of
Believers, do not wrongfully women, because God has made
consume each others wealth, some of them excel others and
but trade with it by mutual because they spend their wealth
consent. Do not kill one another, on them. So virtuous women are
for God is most merciful to you. obedient and guard in the
30 If anyone does these things husbands absence what God