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65 Women 4:81
existed between you and them. postpone it for a little while
74 Let those who would exchange longer! Say, The benefits of
the life of this world for the this world are negligible and the
Hereafter, fight for the cause of Hereafter will be better for one
God; a whoever fights for the who fears God; and you shall not
cause of God, whether he is slain be wronged in the slightest.
or is victorious, to him We shall 78 Wherever you may be, death
give a great reward. And how will overtake you, even if you be
should you not fight for the in strongly built towers. If some
cause of God, and for the helpless good befalls them, they say, This
old men, women, and children is from God, and if ill befalls
who say, Deliver us, Lord, from them, they say, This is from
this city of wrongdoers, grant us you. Tell them, All is from
a protector out of Your grace and God. But what is wrong with
grant us a supporter out of Your these people that they fail
grace? 76 The believers fight for to understand anything?
the cause of God, while those 79 Whatever good befalls you, it
who reject faith fight for Satan. is from God: and whatever ill
Then fight the allies of Satan: befalls you is from yourself. We
Satans scheming is truly weak. have sent you forth as a
77 Have you not seen those to messenger to mankind; and God
whom it was said, Restrain your suffices as a witness.
hands, say your prayers and pay 80 He who obeys the Messenger
the prescribed alms? And when obeys God. As for those who
they have been ordered to fight, turn away, know that We have
some of them have felt afraid of not sent you to be their keeper.
human beings just as they should 81 They say: We obey you, but
be afraid of God, or they are as soon as they leave you, a
even more afraid. They say, Our
Lord, why have You ordered us a See pages xiv to xvii of the
to fight? If You would only Introduction.