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P. 92
67 Women 4:94
find them; and take no friend or believer by mistake should free a
helper from among them. But believing slave and pay blood
make an exception of those who money to the victims relatives
seek refuge with people with unless they forego it as an act of
whom you have a treaty, or who charity. If the victim belongs to
come over to you because their a people at war with you, but is
hearts forbid them to fight against a believer, then the compensation
you or against their own people. is to free a believing slave. If he
Had God pleased, He would belongs to a people with whom
have given them power over you have a treaty, then blood-
you, so that they would have money should be handed over to
taken up arms against you. his relatives and a believing slave
Therefore, if they keep away set free. Anyone who lacks the
from you and cease their hostility means must fast for two
and propose peace to you, God consecutive months. Such is the
does not allow you to harm penance imposed by God. God
them. 91 You will find others is all knowing and wise. 93 If
who wish to be safe from you, anyone kills a believer
and from their own people, yet deliberately, his reward shall be
whenever they find an eternal Hell. God will condemn
opportunity of inflicting harm, him and reject him, and prepare
they plunge into it. So if they for him a terrible punishment.
neither withdraw, nor offer you 94 Believers, when you go forth
peace, nor restrain themselves in the cause of God, make due
from fighting you, seize and kill investigation and do not say to
them wherever you encounter those who offer you the greeting
them. Over such people We have of peace, You are no believer!
given you clear authority. because you seek the good things
No believer should kill of this life. With God there are
another believer, unless it be by good things in plenty. You
mistake. Anyone who kills a yourself were in the same