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71                     Women                   4:131
                                  who commits evil will be has knowledge of all the good
                                  rewarded accordingly. He will you do.  128  If a woman fears ill-
                                  not find any protector or patron treatment or indifference on the
                                  for himself besides God. part of her husband, it shall be
                                  124 Anyone who performs good no offence for her to seek a
                                  deeds, whether it be a man or reconciliation, for reconciliation
                                  woman, provided that he is a is best. But people are prone to
                                  believer, shall enter Paradise. selfish greed. If you do good and
                                  No one shall suffer the least fear Him, surely God is aware of
                                  injustice.  125  Who is better in what you do.  129  You will never
                                  faith than one who submits be able to treat your wives with
                                  himself wholly to God, acts equal fairness, however much
                                  righteously, and follows the you may desire to do so, but do
                                  religion of Abraham, the upright not ignore one wife altogether,
                                  in faith, whom God chose for a leaving her suspended [between
                                  friend?  126  To God belongs all marriage and divorce]. And if
                                  that the heavens and earth you make amends and act
                                  contain. God has knowledge of righteously, surely God is most
                                  all things.                forgiving and merciful.  130 If they
                                    127  They  consult  you decide to separate, God will
                                  concerning women. Say, ‘God compensate both out of His
                                  has given you directions own abundance: God is bountiful
                                  concerning    them.   The and wise.
                                  commandment given to you in  131  All that the heavens and
                                  the Book concerns the orphan the earth contain belongs to God.
                                  girls to whom you do not give We have commanded those who
                                  what is prescribed for them, and were given the Scripture before
                                  whom you nevertheless desire to you, and We command you to
                                  marry, and about helpless fear God. If you deny Him, know
                                  children. He has instructed you that all that the heavens and the
                                  to deal justly with orphans. God earth contain belongs to God.
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