Page 101 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 101
4:171 Al-Nisa 76
Lord, so believe for your own recompensed by Him. And He
good. And if you deny the truth, will give them yet more out of
know that to God belongs all that His bounty; and as for those who
the heavens and the earth contain. were disdainful and proud, He
God is all knowing and wise. will punish them with a painful
People of the Book! Do not punishment. And they will not
go to extremes in your religion. find anyone to help or protect
Say nothing but the truth about them against God. 174 Men, you
God. The Christ Jesus, son of have received clear evidence
Mary, was only a messenger of from your Lord. We have sent
God and His word, conveyed to down a clear light to you.
Mary, a spirit from Him. So 175 As for those who believe in
believe in God and His God and hold fast to Him, He
messengers and do not say: will admit them to His mercy
There are three [gods]. Desist, and His grace; He will guide
it will be better for you. Indeed, them towards Him on a straight
God is the one and only God. His path. 176 They ask you for
Holiness is far above having a instruction. Say, God instructs
son. To Him belongs whatever is you concerning the indirect heirs.
in the heavens and whatever is on If a person dies childless but has
the earth. And God is sufficient a sister, she receives half of what
as a guardian. 172 Surely, the he leaves, and he is her heir if
Messiah would never disdain to she dies childless. If there are
be accounted a servant of God. two sisters, they receive two-
Nor would the angels who are thirds of what he leaves. If there
nearest to Him. If any do disdain are brothers and sisters, the share
to worship Him, and grow of each male shall be that of two
arrogant, He will in any case females. God makes things clear
gather them all before Him. to you, so that you will not go
173 Those who believe and do astray. God has knowledge of
good works will be fully all things.