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75 Women 4:170
forbidden to do so. And because the messengers. God is mighty,
of their devouring peoples wise. a
wealth wrongfully. We have 166 But God bears witness to
prepared a painful punishment what He has sent down to you.
for those of them who [continue He has sent it down with His
to] deny the truth. 162 But to knowledge. The angels too bear
those of them, who are firmly witness. And God suffices as a
grounded in knowledge, and the witness. 167 Those who are bent
believers, who truly believe in on denying the truth and on
what is revealed to you, and what turning others away from the
was revealed before you. To those path of God have strayed far
who pray regularly and pay the from the right path. 168 God will
zakat [prescribed alms] and not forgive those who deny the
believe in God and the Last Day, truth and act wrongfully, nor
We will surely give a great reward. will He guide them, 169 to any
We have sent revelation to path other than the path of Hell,
you [Prophet] as We did to Noah wherein they shall abide forever.
and the prophets who came after That is easy enough for God.
him, to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, 170 Mankind! The Messenger has
Jacob, and the Tribes, to Jesus, brought you the truth from your
Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon
a God created man, and then He
and David, to whom We gave the created Paradise and Hell. Man was
Psalms. 164 We have told you later settled on the earth. Here man
about some messengers sent has freedom to do as he wishes. But
previously, while We have not this freedom is not forever. It is
yet told you about others. God temporary and meant for his trial. It is
spoke to Moses directly. 165 They so that good and bad may be
distinguished from one another. God
were messengers, bearing good
is watching those who, despite being
news and giving warning, so that
granted freedom, can adopt realistic
mankind would have no excuse attitudes, and surrender themselves to
before God, after the coming of the will of God.