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P. 105
5:18 Al-Maidah 80
of the heavens and the earth and you [favours] such as He has not
everything between them belong granted to anyone else in the
to God. He creates what He will world. O my people! Enter the
and God has power over all things. holy land which God has
18 The Jews and the Christians assigned for you. Do not turn
say, We are the children of God back, or you will be the losers.
and His beloved ones. Say, 22 They said, Moses, in that land
Then why does He punish you there is a powerful people. Never
for your sins? Indeed, you are shall we enter it until they leave
but human beings among those it: if they leave, then we shall
He has created. He forgives certainly enter it. Thereupon
whom He pleases and punishes two God-fearing men whom God
whom He pleases. The kingdom had blessed said, Go into them
of the heavens and the earth and through the gatefor as soon as
all that is between them, belong you enter, you shall surely be
to God and all shall return to victorious! Put your trust in God
Him. People of the Book, Our if you are true believers. They
Messenger has come to you to said, We will never enter it,
make things clear to you after an Moses, as long as they are there.
interval between the messengers, Go, you and your Lord, and
lest you say, No bearer of glad fight, and we will stay here.
tidings and no warner has come 25 Moses supplicated, Lord, I
to us. So a bearer of glad tidings have power over none but myself
and a warner has indeed come to and my brother; so separate us
you. God has the power to do from the disobedient people.
all things. 26 God said, The land is
Remember when Moses said forbidden to them for forty years,
to his people, O my people! while they wander around the
Remember Gods favour to you, earth, bewildered; do not grieve
He has raised up prophets among over these wicked people.
you, made you kings, and granted 27 Relate to them, the true story