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5:50                  Al-Ma’idah                  84
                                  intends to punish them for the Him and are loved by Him, who
                                  sins they have committed. Indeed will be kind and considerate
                                  a large number of the people are towards believers and firm and
                                  disobedient.  50  Is it pagan laws unyielding towards those who
                                  that they wish to be judged by? deny the truth. They will strive
                                  Who is a better judge than God hard for the cause of God and
                                  for men whose faith is firm?  will in no way take to heart the
                                      Believers, do not take the reproaches of the fault finder.
                                  Jews and Christians as allies. Such is God’s bounty, which He
                                  They are allies with one another. gives to anyone He wishes. God
                                  Whoever of you takes them as an is bountiful and all-knowing.
                                  ally shall become one of them.  55  Your helpers are only God and
                                  God does not guide the His Messenger and the believers
                                  wrongdoers.  52  You will see those who say their prayers and pay
                                  whose minds are diseased the alms and bow down in
                                  hastening towards them, saying, worship.  56  Those who ally
                                  ‘We fear lest a misfortune befall themsleves with God, His
                                  us.’ But God may well bring Messenger, and the believers
                                  about victory or make a decision must know that God’s party is
                                  which is favourable to you. Then sure to triumph.
                                  they will repent of the thoughts,  57 Believers! Do not seek the
                                  which they secretly harboured in  friendship of those who were
                                  their hearts.  Then the believers  given the Book before you or the
                                  will say, ‘Are these the men who  disbelievers who ridicule your
                                  swore their strongest oaths by  religion and make a jest of it. a
                                  God, that they were with you?’  Have fear of God, if you are true
                                  Their works will come to nothing  believers.  When you call them
                                  and they will lose all.    to prayer, they treat it as a jest
                                      Believers, if any among you  and a diversion. This is because
                                  renounce the faith, God will
                                  replace them by others who love  a  See note to 3:28.
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