Page 110 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 110
85 The Table 5:66
they are devoid of understanding. 64 The Jews say, The hand of
59 Say, People of the Book! Do God is tied up. May their own
you resent us only because we hands be tied up and may they be
believe in God and in what has cursed for what they say. No
been revealed to us and to others indeed! His hands are both
before, and because most of you outstretched: He bestows as He
are disobedient? Say, Shall I will. What is revealed to you
tell you who will receive a worse from your Lord will surely
reward from God? Those whom increase in most of them their
God has rejected and with whom obstinate rebellion and denial of
He has been angry. They were truth; and We have sown among
condemned as apes and swine them enmity and hatred till the
and those who worship the evil. a Day of Resurrection. Whenever
These are in the worst plight and they kindle the fire of war, God
farthest astray from the right puts it out. They spread evil in
path. the land, but God does not love
When they come to you they the evil-doers.
say, We believe, but they come 65 If only the People of the
[with the resolve] to deny the Book would believe and be
truth and leave in the same state. mindful of God, We would surely
God knows best what they are pardon their sins and We would
concealing. 62 You see many surely admit them into the
among them vie with one another Gardens of Bliss. 66 If they had
in sin and transgression and
practice what is unlawful. It is
vile indeed what they have been
doing! 63 Why do their rabbis a It is not in a literal sense but has
and scholars not forbid them to a symbolic conotation, describing their
moral degradation. They were not
utter sinful words or to consume converted to such animals in physical
what is unlawful? Their actions sense, but their character and
are indeed vile. behaviour became like apes and swine.