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5:67 Al-Maidah 86
observed the Torah and the 70 We made a covenant with
Gospel and what was revealed to the Children of Israel and sent
them from their Lord, they would forth messengers among them.
surely have been nourished from But whenever a messenger came
above and from below. There are to them with a message that was
some among them who are on not to their liking, some they
the right course; but there are accused of lying, while others
many among them who do they put to death, 71 and they
nothing but evil. imagined that no harm would
67 O Messenger, deliver come to them; and so they
whatever has been sent down to became blind and deaf [of heart].
you by your Lord. If you do not God turned to them in mercy; yet
do so, you will not have conveyed again many of them became blind
His message and God will protect and deaf. God is fully aware of
you from the people. For God does their actions.
not guide those who deny the truth. 72 Indeed, they are deniers of
Say, People of the Book, the truth who say, God is the
you have no ground to stand on Christ, the son of Mary. For the
until you observe the Torah and Christ himself said, Children of
the Gospel and what is revealed Israel, serve God, my Lord and
to you from your Lord. What is your Lord. If anyone associates
revealed to you from your Lord anything with God, God will
will surely increase many of them forbid him the Garden and the
in rebellion and in their denial of Fire will be his home. The
the truth. But do not grieve for wrongdoers shall have no
those who deny the truth. helpers. 73 They are deniers of
Believers, Jews, Sabaeans and the truth who say, God is one of
Christianswhoever believes in three. There is only One God. If
God and the Last Day and does they do not desist from so saying,
what is rightshall have nothing a painful punishment is bound to
to fear nor shall they grieve. befall such of them as are bent