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P. 115
5:102 Al-Maidah 90
when the Quran is being revealed, from among you act as witnesses
they shall be made plain to you when you make your testaments;
God has kept silent about them: or two men from another tribe, if
God is most forgiving and the calamity of death overtakes
forbearing. 102 Other people before you while you are travelling in
you enquired about such things, but the land. Detain them after
when they were disclosed to them, prayers, and if you doubt their
they refused to carry them out. honesty, let them swear by God,
103 God has ordained no sanctity We will not sell our testimony
about animals described as for any price, even to a kinsman.
bahirah, or saibah, or wasilah And we will not conceal the
or ham. a Those who deny the testimony of God. If we did, we
truth invent falsehoods about would indeed be guilty of sin.
God. Most of them do not use 107 If it turns out that both prove
their reason: 104 when it is said to dishonest, two others should take
them, Come to what God has their place from amongst those
sent down and to the Messenger. whose rights have been usurped
They reply, The faith we have and let them swear by God,
inherited from our fathers saying, Our testimony is indeed
is sufficient for us. Even truer than the testimony of these
though their forefathers knew two. And we have not been
nothing and were not guided! guilty of any misstatement for
105 Believers, take care of your then indeed we would be
own souls. The misguided cannot transgressors. 108 That makes it
harm you as long as you are more likely that people will bear
guided. All of you will return to true witness, or else they will
God. Then He will make you
realize that which you used to
a These are different categories of
do. domestic animals which the pre-
106 Believers, when death Islamic Arabs used to dedicate to their
approaches you, let two just men deities.