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P. 117
5:116 Al-Maidah 92
as I have never meted out to remained among them, and when
anyone else in the world. You took me up, You were the
116 When God says, Jesus, son watcher over them. You are the
of Mary, did you say to people, witness of all things, 118 and if
Take me and my mother as two You punish them, they are surely
deities besides God? He will Your servants; and if You forgive
answer, Glory be to You! How them, You are surely the Mighty
could I ever say that to which I and Wise.
have no right? If I had ever said 119 God will say, This is the
so, You would surely have known Day when the truthful will benefit
it. You know what is in my mind, from their truthfulness. They shall
while I do not know anything forever dwell in Gardens through
that is within Yours. You alone which rivers flow. God is pleased
are the knower of unseen with them and they with Him:
things 117 I told them only what that is the supreme triumph.
You commanded me to, 120 The kingdom of the heavens
Worship God, my Lord and and the earth and everything in
your Lord. I was a witness to them belongs to God: He has
what they did as long as I power over all things.
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise be to God, who has decreed a term [for you]a term
created the heavens and the earth known [only] to Him. Yet you
and brought into being darkness are still in doubt He is God
and light. Yet those who deny both in the heavens and on earth.
the truth set up equals to their He has knowledge of all that you
Lord! It is He who has created hide and all that you reveal. He
you out of clay, and then has knows what you do; yet every