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95                    The Cattle                6:37
                                   the Fire. They will say, ‘If only the Home of the Hereafter is best
                                   we could be sent back. Then we for those who fear God. Will you
                                   would not deny the signs of our not understand?
                                   Lord and we would be of the  33 We know that what they say
                                   believers.’  The truth they used grieves you. It is not you that the
                                   to hide will become all too clear wrongdoers are rejecting, rather
                                   to them. But if they were sent it is the signs of God that they
                                   back, they would return to what reject.  Other messengers have
                                   they had been forbidden. For been denied before you, and
                                   they are indeed liars.    they bore their rejection and
                                    29  They say, ‘There is nothing persecution steadfastly, until Our
                                   beyond our life in this world: we help came to them. There is no
                                   shall not be raised up again from one who can change the words
                                   the dead.’  30 If you could only of God. You have already
                                   see when they are made to stand received some account of those
                                   before their Lord! He will ask messengers.  35 If you find their
                                   them, ‘Is this [second life] not rejection hard to bear, then seek
                                   the truth?’ They will say, ‘Yes, a tunnel into the ground or a
                                   by our Lord!’ He will say, ‘Then, ladder into the sky, if you can,
                                   taste the punishment that comes and bring them a sign. Had God
                                   from your having refused to so willed, He would indeed have
                                   acknowledge the truth!’   given them all [His] guidance.
                                    31  Those indeed are the losers So do not be among the ignorant.
                                   who deny the meeting with God.  36  Only they who listen can
                                   When the Hour comes on them respond to a call; and as for the
                                   suddenly, they cry, ‘Alas for us, dead, God will raise them up,
                                   that we neglected it!’ They shall and then they will all return to
                                   bear their burdens on their backs. Him.
                                   Evil are the burdens they shall  37 They ask, ‘Why has no sign
                                   bear.  The life of this world is been sent down to him from his
                                   but a sport and a pastime. Surely Lord?’ Say, ‘God alone has the
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