Page 123 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 123
6:60 Al-Anam 98
that land and sea contain. No grateful.? 64 Say, It is God
leaf falls without His knowledge, who delivers you from it and
nor is there a single grain in the from every other distress, yet
darkness of the earth, or anything, you associate partners with Him.
wet or dry, but is recorded in a 65 Say, He has the power to send
clear Record. punishment on you from above
It is He who gathers you in your heads or from beneath your
at night and knows all that you feet, or to divide you in sects and
do by day; then He raises you up make you taste one anothers
during the day so that an violence. See how We explain
appointed term may be Our revelations in various ways,
completed. Then to Him you so that they may understand.
shall return and He will declare 66 Your people have rejected the
to you all that you used to do. message We have sent through
61 He is the Absolute Master over you, though it is the truth. Say I
His servants. He sends forth am not your keeper. 67 Every
guardians [angels] who watch prophecy has its fixed time to be
over you until, when death fulfilled: and soon you will come
approaches one of you, Our to know.
angels take his soul, and they 68 When you see people
never fail in their duty. Then engaged in finding fault with
they will all be returned to God, Our revelations, withdraw from
their true Lord. The Judgement them until they turn to some
is His alone. He is the swiftest other topic. Should Satan cause
reckoner. you to forget this, take leave of
Say, Who is it who delivers the wrongdoers as soon as you
you from the dark depths of land remember. 69 The God-fearing
and sea when you call out to Him are not in any way held
humbly and in secret, saying, If accountable for the wrongdoers;
He rescues us from this, we shall their only duty is to remind them,
most certainly be among the so that they may fear God.