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P. 127
6:97 Al-Anam 102
97 It is He who has set up for you Him. Hallowed be He and exalted
the stars so that you might be far above what they ascribe to
guided by them in the midst of Him, 101 the Originator of the
the darkness of land and sea. We heavens and the earth. How could
have made the signs clear for He have a son when He has no
people who want to understand. a consort? He created everything
It is He who first produced and is aware of everything!
you from a single soul, then gave 102 This is God, your Lord, there
you a place to stay [in life] and is no God but Him, the Creator
a resting place [after death]. We of all things, so worship Him;
have made Our revelations clear He is the guardian of all things.
to those who are men of 103 No vision can grasp Him, but
understanding. He takes in over all vision; He is
99 It is He who sends down the Subtle and Aware One.
water from the sky. With it We 104 Clear insights have come to
produce vegetation of all kinds; you from your Lord. Whoever,
out of green foliage, We produce therefore, chooses to see, does
clustered grain; and from the so for his own good; and whoever
date-palm, out of its sheath, We chooses to remain blind, does so
produce bunches of dates to his own loss. Say, I am not
hanging low. We produce here as your keeper. 105 This is
vineyards and olive groves and how We explain Our revelations
pomegranates, alike yet different. in various waysso that they
Look at their fruit as He causes might come to the point of saying,
it to grow and ripen. In this are You have read this out to us,
signs for people who believe.
100 a The gigantic system of the universe
They have set up jinns as
runs with such exactitude that no
associates with God, even though discrepancy has crept into it even after
He created them! They have even millions of years. This proves the
dared, in their ignorance, to immanence of a Being whose powers
attribute sons and daughters to are of unlimited greatness.