Page 124 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 124
99 The Cattle 6:78
70 Leave alone those for whom 73 It was He who created the
religion is only a sport and heavens and the earth for a true
pastime and are deceived by the purpose. On the Day when He
life of this world, but continue to says, Be, it shall be: His word is
remind them with the Quran, the truth. All sovereignty shall be
lest a soul be held in pledge His on the Day when the trumpet
because of what it has wrought, is sounded. The Knower of the
having no helper or intercessor unseen and the visible, He is the
besides God. Whatever ransom Wise, the Aware One. Remember
they may offer, it will not be when Abraham said to his father,
accepted. Such are those that are Azar, Do you take idols as your
damned by their own actions: gods? I see that you and your
they will have boiling water to people have clearly gone astray.
drink and a painful punishment 75 In this way We showed
for their denial of truth. Abraham Our kingdom of the
Say, Instead of God, shall heavens and the earth, so that he
we call upon that which can might have certainty of faith.
neither benefit us nor harm us? 76 When night descended on him,
Are we to turn upon our heels he saw a star. He said, This is
after God has guided us, like one my Lord! Then when it set he
who, beguiled by devils in the said, I do not love things that
land, wanders bewildered, his set. 77 When he saw the moon
companions calling him to the rise and spread its light, he said,
right path, saying, Come to This is my Lord. But when it
us? Say, Gods guidance is set, he said, If my Lord does not
the only guidance. We are guide me, I will be one of the
commanded to surrender misguided people. 78 Then,
ourselves to the Lord of the when he saw the sun shining, he
Universe, 72 say our prayers said, This is my Lord! This is
regularly and to fear God. He it the greatest of all! Then when it
is to whom you will be gathered. set, he said, My people, I disown