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6:38 Al-Anam 96
power to send down a sign. But humble themselves. When the
most of them do not understand: affliction decreed by Us befell
38 there is not an animal that them, they did not humble
moves about on the earth, nor a themselves, but rather their hearts
bird that flies on its two wings, hardened, for Satan had made all
but are creatures like you. We their doings seem fair to them.
have left out nothing in the 44 When they had forgotten Our
Bookthey shall all be gathered admonition, We granted them all
before their Lord. Those who that they desired; but just as they
reject Our signs are deaf and were rejoicing in what they were
dumb, [groping along] in given, We seized them suddenly
darkness. God lets anyone He and they were plunged into
wishes go astray and sets whoever despair. The wrongdoers were
He will on a straight path. thus annihilated. All praise be to
40 Say, Tell me if the God, the Lord of the Worlds.
punishment of God came upon 46 Say, If God should take
you or the Hour overtook you, away your hearing and your sight
would you call upon any other and seal your hearts, who is the
than God, if you are truthful? deity who could restore it to you
41 Indeed, it is on Him that you save God? See how We explain
would call, and He could remove the signs to them in diverse
that [affliction] which made you ways, yet they turn away. Ask
call on Him, if He will, and then them, Tell me, if the punishment
you would forget [the false of God came upon you suddenly
deities] which you associate with or predictably, would any but the
Him! wrongdoers be destroyed? We
We sent messengers before send the messengers only to give
you [Prophet] to many good news and to warn, so those
communities and afflicted their who believe and reform
people with suffering and themselves need have no
hardship, so that they might fear, nor will they grieve.