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101                   The Cattle                6:96
                                  from you: it is only a reminder God has sent down’? If you
                                  for all mankind.’  They do not could only see the wrongdoers in
                                  make a just estimate of God, the throes of death when the
                                  when they say, ‘God has not angels are stretching out their
                                  revealed anything to any human hands, saying, ‘Give up your
                                  being.’  Say, ‘Who revealed the souls. Today you will be repaid
                                  Book which Moses brought, a with a humiliating punishment
                                  light and guidance for the people, for saying false things about
                                  which you made into separate God and being arrogant about
                                  sheets, showing some but hiding His signs.’
                                  many? You have been taught   94 And now you have returned
                                  things that neither you nor your to Us, alone as We created you at
                                  forefathers had known before.’ first, leaving behind all that We
                                  Say, ‘God has sent it;’ then leave gave you. Nor do We see with
                                  them toying away with their you your intercessors, those you
                                  speculation.               claimed were your partners with
                                      This is a blessed Book which God. The link between you is cut
                                  We have revealed, confirming and that which you presumed
                                  what came before it, so that you has failed you.  It is God who
                                  may warn the Mother of Cities splits the seed and the fruit-
                                  [Makkah] and the people around stone. He brings forth the living
                                  it. Those who believe in the from the dead, and the dead from
                                  Hereafter do believe in it, and the living. That is God. How
                                  they are ever-mindful of their then can you, deluded, turn away
                                  prayers.  Who could do greater from the truth?
                                  wrong than someone who invents  96 He causes the break of day,
                                  a lie against God or who says, ‘It and has made the night for rest
                                  has been revealed to me,’ while and He made the sun and the
                                  nothing has been revealed to moon to a precise measure. That
                                  him, or someone who says, ‘I is the measure determined by the
                                  will send down the like of what Almighty and the All Knowing.
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