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105                   The Cattle               6:135
                                  wills to let go astray, He causes of jinn and mankind! Did
                                  his breast to be constricted as if messengers not come from
                                  he had to climb up to the skies. among you to recite My
                                  That is how God heaps ignominy revelations to you, and warn you
                                  upon those who refuse to believe. of the meeting of this Day?’
                                       This is the straight path They will say, ‘We bear witness
                                  leading to your Lord. We have against ourselves.’ It was the life
                                  made the signs clear for thinking of this world that deceived them
                                  men.  127  They shall dwell in the and so they will bear witness
                                  Home of Peace with their Lord; against themselves, that they
                                  He will be their Protector as a rejected the truth.  131 Your Lord
                                  recompense for what they have would not destroy a community
                                  been doing.  128  On the day when for its wrongdoing, so long as its
                                  He gathers them all together, He people were still unaware.  132 For
                                  will say, ‘Company of jinn, you all are degrees of rank according
                                  took away many followers among to their deeds; your Lord is not
                                  mankind.’  And their adherents unaware of anything they do.
                                  among mankind will say, ‘Our  133  Your Lord is the self-
                                  Lord, we benefited from one sufficient One, the merciful. If
                                  another, but now we have reached He wills, He can take you away
                                  the end of the term which You and replace you by anyone He
                                  determined for us.’ He will say, pleases, just as He raised you
                                  ‘The Fire shall be your home, from the offspring of other
                                  and there you shall remain people.  134  That which you are
                                  forever, except as God wills. promised shall surely come to
                                  Surely your Lord is wise and all pass and you cannot prevent it.
                                  knowing.                   135  Say, ‘O my people! Go on
                                    129 And in like manner We acting in your way; indeed I am
                                  shall keep the wrongdoers close going to act in my way; soon you
                                  to others as a punishment for will know whose end will be
                                  their misdeeds.  130  Company best in the Hereafter.’ Surely, the
   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135