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P. 134

109                   The Cattle               6:165
                                  unaware of their teachings,’  157  or repaid with its equivalent and
                                  you may say, ‘If the Book had they shall not be wronged.  161 Say,
                                  been sent down to us, we would ‘My Lord has guided me to a
                                  surely have followed its guidance straight path, and to an upright
                                  better than they did.’  There has religion, the religion of Abraham
                                  now come to you clear evidence the upright, who was not of those
                                  from your Lord, and guidance who associate partners with God.’
                                  and mercy. Who, then, is more  162  Say, ‘My prayer and my
                                  unjust than one who rejects the sacrifice and my life and my
                                  signs of God and turns away from death are all for God, the Lord of
                                  them? We shall requite those who the worlds;  163  He has no partner.
                                  turn away from Our signs with a So am I commanded, and I am the
                                  painful punishment, for their first of those who submit.’  164 Say,
                                  turning away.  158  Are they waiting ‘Shall I seek a lord other than
                                  for the angels or your Lord to God, while He is the Lord of all
                                  come down to them, or for some things?’ Everyone must bear the
                                  of your Lord’s signs to come? consequence of what he does,
                                  The day when some of the signs and no bearer of a burden can
                                  of your Lord shall come, it shall bear the burden of another. Then
                                  not profit any human being who to your Lord you will return, and
                                  did not believe before, or who did He will inform you of what you
                                  not do any good by his faith. Say used to dispute about.  165 It is
                                  to them, ‘Wait then, we too are He  who  has  made  you
                                  waiting.’  159  Have nothing to do successors [of others] on the
                                  with those who have split up their earth and has exalted some of
                                  religion into sects. Their case you over the others in degrees
                                  rests with God; He will tell them of rank, so that He may test
                                  about what they used to do.  you by that which He has given
                                       Whoever does a good deed you. Your Lord is swift in
                                  will be repaid tenfold, but those punishment; yet surely He is
                                  who do a bad deed will only be forgiving, and merciful.
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