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111                   The Heights               7:27
                                  until the Day of Resurrection,’  22 Thus he cunningly seduced
                                  15  and God replied, ‘You are them. When they tasted the tree’s
                                  granted respite.’  16  Then Satan fruit, their nakedness became
                                  said, ‘Because You have put me exposed to them and they started
                                  in the wrong, I will lie in ambush covering themselves with the
                                  for them on Your straight path: leaves of the garden. Their Lord
                                    then I will surely come upon called out to them, ‘Did I not
                                  them from before them and from forbid you to approach that tree,
                                  behind them and from their right and did I not say to you that
                                  and from their left, and then You Satan was surely your open
                                  will find most of them enemy?’     23 They replied, ‘Our
                                  ungrateful.’  He said, ‘Get out Lord, we have wronged our
                                  of here, despised, and rejected! I souls: if You do not forgive us
                                  shall fill Hell with all of those and have mercy on us, we shall
                                  who follow you.’           be among the lost.’  24  He said,
                                      To Adam He said, ‘You and ‘Go down from here as enemies
                                  your wife, dwell in the Garden to each other. For a while, there
                                  and eat and drink there from is an abode for you and a
                                  wherever you wish, but do not provision on earth.  There you
                                  approach this tree, lest you will live; there you will die; from
                                  become wrongdoers.’  20  But there you will be raised up again.’
                                  Satan tempted them so that he  26 O children of Adam! We
                                  might reveal to them their have sent down to you clothes to
                                  nakedness which had been cover your nakedness, and to be
                                  hidden from them. He said, ‘Your pleasing to the eye; but the
                                  Lord has forbidden you to raiment of righteousness is the
                                  approach this tree lest you should best. That is one of the signs of
                                  become angels or become of the God. So that people may take
                                  immortals,’  21  and he swore heed.  27 Children of Adam, do
                                  to them, ‘Surely, I am your not let Satan seduce you, just as
                                  well-wisher.’              he turned your parents out of the
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