Page 137 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 137
7:28 Al-Araf 112
Garden: he deprived them of but exceed not the bounds: God
their garment in order to make does not love those who exceed
them aware of their nakedness. the bounds. 32 Say, Who has
He and his forces watch you forbidden the adornment of God,
from where you do not see them! which He has brought forth for
We have made the devils friends His servants and good things,
of those who do not believe. clean and pure, which God has
28 And when they commit an provided for His servants? Say,
indecency, they say, This is what They are [lawful] for the
our fathers used to do and God believers in the present life but
they shall be exclusively for them
has enjoined it on us. Say, God
does not enjoin what is indecent. on the Day of Resurrection.
Would you attribute to God Thus We explain Our signs for a
something of which you have no people who understand.
knowledge? 29 Say, My Lord Say,My Lord has forbidden
has commanded you to act justly. indecency, both open and hidden,
sin and wrongful oppression and
Turn your faces up toward Him
that, without His sanction, you
at every time and place of
associate things with Him, and
worship, and call upon Him,
that you say things about Him
making yourselves sincere
without knowledge.
towards Him in religion. As He 34 For all people a term has
brought you into being, so shall been set: and when [the end of]
you return. 30 Some He has their term approaches, they can
guided and some have earned neither delay it by a single
misguidance: they have taken moment, nor can they advance
devils rather than God as their it. 35 Children of Adam! If
patrons, thinking that they are messengers come to you from
rightly guided. among yourselves, reciting My
O Children of Adam, dress revelations to you, then those
yourself properly whenever you that take warning and mend their
are at worship: and eat and drink ways, on such shall come no fear