Page 142 - Final Ch 0.pmd
P. 142
117 The Heights 7:86
punishment. 74 Remember when 80 We sent Lot, who said to his
He made you successors to the people, How can you commit
Ad and settled you in the land. an abomination such as no one
You built palaces on its plains in the world has ever done before
and carved houses out of the you? You lust after men rather
mountains. Remember Gods than women! You transgress all
blessings and do not spread bounds! 82 The only answer
corruption in the land, but the given by his people was, Turn
arrogant leaders of his people them out of your town. They are
said to the believers who were people who regard themselves to
deemed weak, Do you know for be pure. So We saved him and
certain that Salih is one sent his familyexcept for his wife.
from his Lord? They replied, She was one of those who stayed
We believe in the message which behind. 84 We rained down on
has been sent through him. them a shower [of brimstone].
The arrogant leaders said, We Then see what was the end of the
reject what you believe in. So evil-doers.
they hamstrung the she-camel, 85 To Midian We sent their
and insolently defied the brother Shuayb. He said, O my
commandment of their Lord, people, worship God; you have
saying, O Salih! Bring upon us no other god but Him. A clear
what you threaten us with if you Sign has indeed come to you
are indeed a messenger. 78 So from your Lord. So give full
the earthquake overwhelmed measure and full weight, and do
them, and morning found them not deliver short. Do not corrupt
prostrate in their dwelling places. the land after it has been set in
79 He left them, saying, My order. This is for your own good,
people, I delivered my Lords if you are true believers. 86 Do
messages to you and counselled not lie in ambush on every
you sincerely, but you do not like pathway, threatening people,
sincere advisors. barring those who believe from