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121                   The Heights              7:139
                                  persecuted.’ He said, ‘Your Lord from us, we will surely believe
                                  may well destroy your enemy in you and let the Children of
                                  and make you successors to the Israel go with you,’  135  but
                                  land. Then He will see how you whenever We removed the
                                  conduct yourselves.’       plague from them, giving them
                                       We afflicted Pharaoh’s time to make good their promise,
                                  people with shortages of food they would break their word.
                                  and famine so that they might  136  So We exacted retribution
                                  take  heed,  131  then when from them and drowned them in
                                  something good came to them, the sea, because they rejected
                                  they said, ‘It is our due!’—but Our signs and paid no heed to
                                  when something bad came, they them;  137 We made the people
                                  ascribed it as an ill-omen to who were considered weak
                                  Moses and those with him. Surely inheritors of the eastern parts
                                  their [evil] fortune had been and western parts of the land
                                  decreed by God, but most of which We had blessed. Thus
                                  them did not know this.  132  They your Lord’s good promise to the
                                  said, ‘Whatever miracles you Children of Israel was fulfilled,
                                  work to bewitch us, we will not because of their patience, and
                                  believe in you.’           We destroyed all that Pharaoh
                                    133  Then We afflicted them and his people had built and all
                                  with storms, and locusts, and that they had raised high.
                                  lice, and frogs, and blood: so  138  We brought the Children of
                                  many clear signs. But they were Israel across the sea and they
                                  steeped in arrogance, for they came upon a people who were
                                  were a people given to sin. devoted to their idols. They said,
                                  134  Whenever a plague struck ‘Moses, give us a god just like
                                  them, they would say, ‘Moses, the gods these people have.’ He
                                  pray to your Lord for us by virtue said, ‘You are indeed an ignorant
                                  of the promise He has made to people:  139  what they are engaged
                                  you: if you remove this plague in is doomed to destruction and
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