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P. 148
123 The Heights 7:155
be requited only, according to and admit us to Your mercy. You
their deeds. are the Most Merciful of the
In his absence, the people merciful.
of Moses made a calf from their 152 Those who took to
ornaments, an image which made worshipping the calf will be
a lowing sound. Could they not afflicted by their Lords wrath,
see that it did not speak to them and be disgraced in the life of
or guide them in any way? Yet this world. This is the way We
they took to worshipping it: they requite those who invent
were evil-doers. 149 When they falsehoods. 153 As for those who
were afflicted with remorse, and committed evils, and thereafter
realized that they had indeed repented and believed, they shall
gone astray, they said, If our find your Lord forgiving and
Lord does not have mercy on us merciful.
and forgive us, we shall be among 154 When his anger had
the lost. 150 When Moses subsided, Moses took up the
returned to his people in anger Tablets upon which was inscribed
and great sorrow, he said, What a pledge of guidance and mercy
an awful sin you have committed for those who fear their Lord.
in my absence. Did you want to 155 And Moses chose from his
hasten your Lords command? people seventy men for Our
He threw down the Tablets and appointment. When they were
seized his brother by the head, seized with violent quaking, he
pulling him towards himself. prayed, O my Lord! If it had
Aaron said, Son of my mother, been Your will, You could have
the people oppressed me and destroyed both them and me
almost killed me. Do not give long ago. But would You destroy
my enemies cause to gloat over us for the deeds of the foolish
me. Do not number me among ones among us? This is no more
the wrongdoers. 151 He said, My than Your trial: by it You cause
Lord, forgive me and my brother whom You will to stray, and You