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P. 149
7:156 Al-Araf 124
lead whom You will to the right Messenger to you all, He has
path. You are our Protector. sovereignty over the heavens and
Forgive us, therefore, and have the earth. There is no god but
mercy on us, for You are the best Him. He ordains life and death,
of those who forgive. 156 Grant so believe in God and His
us good things, both in this life Messenger, the unlettered
and in the hereafter. To You prophet who believes in God
alone we turn. He replied, As and His words. Follow him so
for My punishment, I smite with that you may be rightly guided.
it anyone I will. But My mercy 159 Yet there is a group among
encompasses all things. I shall the people of Moses who guide
prescribe it for those who do with truth and act justly in
their duty, pay the zakat and who accordance with it.
believe in Our signs. 157 Also 160 We divided them up into
for those who follow the twelve tribes, each a whole
Messengerthe unlettered community, and We revealed Our
prophet they find described in will to Moses, when his people
the Torah that is with them, and asked for water, saying, Strike
in the Gospelwho commands the rock with your staff. Twelve
them to do right and forbids springs gushed from it and each
them to do wrong, who makes tribe knew its drinking place. We
good things lawful to them and caused the clouds to draw their
bad things unlawful, who will shadow over them and sent down
relieve them of their burdens for them manna and quails,
and of the shackles that weigh saying, Eat the good things We
upon them. Those that believe in have given you. They did not
him and honour him, those that wrong Us; rather it was
aid him and follow the light sent themselves they wronged.
down with him, shall surely 161 When they were told, Settle
triumph. down in the town and eat
158 Say, People, I am Gods wherever you wish in it, and