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129                The Spoils of War             8:8
                                  so that you may receive heedless—   206  [even] the ones
                                  mercy.  205 Remember your Lord [angels] who live in the presence
                                  deep in your very soul, in all of your Lord are not too proud
                                  humility and awe, without raising to worship Him: they glorify
                                  your voice, morning and Him and prostrate themselves
                                  evening—do not be one of the before Him.

                                     8.  THE   SPOILS    OF   WAR    (AL-ANFAL)

                                      In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
                                  1 They ask you about the spoils  5  As it was your Lord who
                                  of war. Say, ‘They belong to God rightfully brought you forth from
                                  and His Messenger. So fear God, your house, even though some
                                  and set things right among of the believers disliked it,  and
                                  yourselves, and obey God and they  disputed  with  you
                                  His Messenger, if you are true concerning the truth after it had
                                  believers:  2  true believers are become manifest, as though they
                                  those whose hearts tremble with were being driven to their death
                                  awe at the mention of God, and with open eyes. God promised
                                  whose faith grows stronger as you that one of the two parties
                                  they listen to His revelations. would fall to you, and you wished
                                  They are those who put their that the one without sting should
                                  trust in their Lord,  3  who pray be yours, but God wanted to
                                  regularly and give in alms out of establish the truth by His words
                                  what We have provided for and cut off the root of those who
                                  them. Such   are  the  true denied the truth— so that He
                                  believers. They have a high might prove the truth to be true
                                  standing with their Lord, His and the false to be false, however
                                  forgiveness and an honourable much the wrongdoers might
                                  provision made for them.   dislike it.
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