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8:32                   Al-Anfal                  132
                                  ancients.’  They also said, ‘God, in Hell.  37  So that God may
                                  if this really is the truth from separate the bad from the good,
                                  You, then rain down upon us He will heap the wicked one
                                  stones from heaven, or send us upon another and then cast them
                                  some other painful punishment.’ into Hell. These will surely be
                                    But God would not punish the losers.
                                  them while you [Prophet] were  38 Tell those who are bent on
                                  in their midst, nor would He denying the truth that if they
                                  punish them so long as they desist, their past shall be
                                  sought forgiveness.  34 Yet why forgiven, but if they persist in
                                  should God not punish them sin, they have an example in the
                                  when they debar people from the fate of those who went before.
                                  Sacred Mosque, although they  39  Fight them until there is no
                                  are not its guardians? Its rightful more [religious] persecution, a
                                  guardians are those who fear and religion belongs wholly to
                                  God, though most of them do God: if they desist, then surely
                                  not realize it.  Their prayers at God is watchful of what they do,
                                  the Sacred House are nothing  40  but if they turn away, know
                                  but whistling and clapping of that God is your Protector; the
                                  hands. ‘So taste the punishment Best of Protectors and the Best
                                  because of your denial.’   of Helpers!
                                    36  Those who are bent on  41 Know that one-fifth of your
                                  denying the truth are spending battle gains belongs to God and
                                  their wealth in debarring others the Messenger, to his close
                                  from the path of God. They will relatives and orphans, to the
                                  continue to spend it in this way needy and travellers, if you
                                  till, in the end, this spending will believe in God and the revelation
                                  become a source of intense regret We sent down to Our servant on
                                  for them, and then they will be
                                  overcome. And those who denied  a  See pages xiv to xvii of the
                                  the truth will be gathered together  Introduction.
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