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131                The Spoils of War            8:31
                                  return. And your host will avail few in number and were
                                  you naught, however numerous accounted weak in the land, ever
                                  it may be, and [know] that surely fearing the onslaught of your
                                  God is with the believers.  enemies, but He provided you
                                      Believers, obey God and His with shelter, and supported you
                                  Messenger, and do not turn away with His help and provided you
                                  from him now that you have with good things, so that you
                                  heard all.  Do not be like those might be grateful.  27  Do not
                                  who say, ‘We hear,’ but pay no betray God and His Messenger,
                                  heed to what they hear— 22  the and do not knowingly violate
                                  worst creatures in God’s eyes are your trusts.  28  Know that your
                                  those who are deaf and dumb, wealth and children are a trial
                                  and    who   possess   no and that there is an immense
                                  understanding.  23  If God had reward with God.
                                  found any good in them, He   29 Believers, if you fear God,
                                  would certainly have made them He will grant you the ability to
                                  hear; but being as they are, even discriminate between right and
                                  if He makes them hear, they will wrong, and will forgive you your
                                  turn away in aversion.     sins: for God is limitless in His
                                    24 Believers, obey God and the great bounty.  Remember how
                                  Messenger when he calls you to those who bent on denying the
                                  that which gives you life. Know truth plotted against you to
                                  that God stands between man imprison you or kill you or expel
                                  and his heart, and you shall all be you: they schemed—but God
                                  gathered in His presence.  And also schemed. God is the best of
                                  beware of an affliction that will schemers.
                                  not smite exclusively those  31 Whenever Our revelations
                                  among you who have done are recited to them, they say, ‘We
                                  wrong. Know that God is severe have heard them. If we wished,
                                  in exacting retribution.   we could produce the like. They
                                    26 Remember when you were are nothing but the fables of the
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