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8:72                   Al-Anfal                  136
                                  gave [you] power over them. the truth support one another. If
                                  God is aware and wise.     you fail to do likewise, there will
                                    72 Those who have believed be great disorder and corruption
                                  and migrated and struggled for in the land.
                                  God’s   cause  with  their   74 Those who have believed
                                  possessions and persons, and and migrated and striven for the
                                  those who have given refuge and cause of God, as well as those
                                  help, are the friends and who have given them refuge and
                                  protectors of one another. But as support, are the true believers;
                                  for those who have come to they shall have forgiveness and
                                  believe without having migrated an honourable provision.  And
                                  —you are in no way responsible those who have believed later
                                  for their protection until they on, and emigrated and struggled
                                  migrate. If they seek your help in for God’s sake alongside you are
                                  the matter of religion, it is also a part of you. But as to
                                  incumbent on you to help them, blood relations, they are nearer
                                  except against a people with one to another in the Book of
                                  whom you have a pact. God sees God. God has full knowledge of
                                  what you do.  Those who deny all things.

                                        9.  REPENTANCE         (AL-TAWBAH)
                                  1  This is a declaration of is a proclamation from God and
                                  immunity from God and His His Messenger to the people on
                                  Messenger to the polytheists, the day of the Pilgrimage, that
                                  with whom you had made God is free of all obligation to
                                  agreements.  So go about in the the polytheists, and so is His
                                  land for four months, but know Messenger. If you repent, it will
                                  that you cannot frustrate the plan be better for you, but if you turn
                                  of God and that God will disgrace away, then know that you cannot
                                  those who deny the truth.  This frustrate the plan of God.
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